In today’s time, English has become a very important language. In today’s time, we need to read English language everywhere. There was a time when no one thought that much about the English language. But in today’s time everybody thinks the same, how they came to English language. The English language is made by the British. The main language of our country is Hindi, yet in today’s time we give more importance to English language than Hindi. If you go to another country, then you have to read in English language. If you do not know the English language, then you cannot go to another country and talk to the people there.
The national language of our country is Hindi, and in our country most people speak Hindi. But still the people of South India of our country do not understand Hindi. People in South India use English more.
English is an international language. English speaking people have the highest number of people in the whole world. Along with this, there are many countries whose national language is English only. You can see for example, that everybody speaks English in countries like America and England. Along with this, the national language of these countries is also English. English demand is increasing in India at this time too. If you are from India and you are applying for a job in another country. So in this situation you should know English well. You should speak English well. Along with this, English spoken by others should also be well understood. Apart from these two, you should also come to write English well. If you get all these things then only you will get a job in another country. If you do not know English well then it is very difficult to get jobs in your country as well as in other countries. Because English has become very important in our country too.
In our country people use English language on a large scale for official communications. In our country, English language is used a lot for office work. English is not used in local connections. But in any kind of professional work, English language is used in everything. The English language is used in everything from colloquial to professional work. There are many offices where the working people do not know how to speak in their regional language. That’s why they use the English language to talk and work. People use English language every day for official communications in office work. In this way we can say that English language has great importance in our life.
English plays a very important role in education and student life. We can never deny the importance of English in education and student life. English is taught very well in every school. In today’s time, you will also find many such English medium schools in India where every work is done in English. In English medium school, the language is also spoken in English. English is the main reason for the way India’s education system is changing in today’s time. In today’s time, English is being given a lot of priority in every school and college. It is a good thing to give English a lot of priority in today’s time. In the education system, tomorrow will be better for the children with more priority of English. Because when you have a good knowledge of English, only then you will be able to go to other countries and brighten the name of your country. This is how we can say! English is very important in education and student’s life too.
There are many such students in our country who want to go abroad for their further studies. So for that he should speak English well. Until you do not know English well, you cannot go to other countries for studies. This is also a very good importance of English in our life. We have very big states in India. Different languages are spoken in every state of our country. People speak their own language in every state. There are many states in our country where people neither understand nor speak the regional language of India. English can play a very important role in this condition. And can combine all the people together. In this way we can say that English has great importance in us. We cannot deny the importance of English in New India.